FLIGHT C: Sun April 23 - Day 1 - Test 1 - Land Triple with an Honor
arrived at Flight C, which was held on the property of Glen and Laurie
Williams, "Dog Pond Kennels" in time to watch the first test dog. This
series consisted of a land triple with an honor. All birds were rooster
pheasants including the flyer. The first bird thrown was on the left
situated 46 yards from the line. The bird station was well hidden
behind a large clump of pampas grass, thrown to the right landing in low
cover. The next bird to be thrown was the middle bird, also coming from
a blind of pampas grass, 84 yards from the line, thrown to the right,
landing in low cover. The right bird was the flyer, 56 yards from the
line, well hidden behind a heavily brushed holding blind. The flyer was
shot to the right landing across a dirt road in a nicely cut green grass
clearing. There was little to no wind while we were at Dog Pond Kennels
and we watched eight dogs run which included the two test dogs
averaging three minutes per dog.
The Judges gave us the test Scenario and allowed the Handlers to ask questions
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