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Monday, April 24, 2017

FLIGHT A: Mon April 24 - Day 2 - Test 2 - Land Triple and Walk-up with a Blind

Judge Rip Shively's and Tom Quarles' second series was a mixed-bag land triple with walk-up and blind inside the marks. When the handlers reached the designated line, a gun station situated left and slightly back at 35 yards threw a pheasant to the right that landed at the crest of a hill. The flyer station was situated deep and in the middle of the test at approximately 100 yards and the mallard was shot to the right into a gully. The go bird was the right-hand bird and it was thrown to the left at approximately 85 yards landing near the crest of the hill.

The dogs we watched quickly picked up the go bird, but there was potential for the dogs to over run this bird, crest the hill and go out of sight. The walk up bird is also well placed at the crest of the hill, dogs that over ran this short bird quickly go out of sight. The flyer is excellently placed in the gully. From the dog's view, it is difficult because the field looks much flatter than it is. For the dogs whose flyer falls on the hill, they had a bit of an advantage. 

The blind is approximately 100 yards from the line, to the left of the flyer station. The line to the blind is a bit tight, only about 20 yards to the right of past where the walk up bird landed. There is log 20 yards from the line on line to the blind giving some dogs trouble, if the dog goes right, it is on the line back to the flyer, if it goes left, it is close to the line of the walk up bird. Handlers needed to be very quick on the whistle to attempt to get the dog over the log.

Flight A – Test 2 – Scenario from the Judges

Flight A – Test 2 – Test Dog

Flight A – Test 2 – Rip Shively plays "Stump the Judge" 

Flight A – Test 2 – #47 – Land Blind

Flight A – Test 2 – #48

 Flight A – Test 2 – #48 – Land Blind